Early Warning Systems, a crucial tool for a proactive approach to risk management

About The Webinar

Lenders face a number of challenges when it comes to credit risk and portfolio monitoring such as  minimizing  potential losses, improving  credit  worthiness assessment, enhancing credit portfolio quality, among many others. In today's lending  landscape, using the  traditional  approach  can be  resource-intensive and inefficient, leading  to  overlooked warning signals and increased exposure to risks.

In this webinar, we explore how innovations in AI  provide new ways for lenders to take a more  proactive approach. Learn more about the real-world examples of how  high-performing EWS  models  are being  used  in the industry, and get insights on how lenders can leverage these technologies to ensure a successful credit portfolio monitoring.

axefinance's CEO,  Dhafer Berrachid, and  Head  of Product, Louay Salti, invites you to explore the following agenda:

  • The backbone of a successful Credit Risk Monitoring and EWS model

  • Rule-based detective approach

  • AI-based proactive approach  

  • Customer case study and ACP demo

  • Q/A Session

  • Learn more about axefinance ​​​​​​​

  • See the latest axefinance news

Dhafer Berrachid, CEO

CEO and founder of axefinance with more than 27 years of extensive FinTech experience. Dhafer is graduated from Supelec France.

Louay Salti, Head of Product

A seasoned IT professional with more than 29 years of experience in strategic definition & implementation of financial product roadmaps. He graduated from ENSIMAG – France.

Houssem Timoumi, Business Solutions Manager

With 5 years of experience in FinTech and banking systems, Houssem is an expert in Credit Risk & Loan Origination Solutions. He graduated from Tunis Business School.

Moderator: John Pascual, Marketing Specialist

Graduated from Hult International Business School Dubai with more than 3 years of experience in Digital Marketing & Media.