
ACP Credit Cards

Empowering banks with seamless and fast-track credit card loans

Bankers encounter difficulties in providing seamless credit card services due to complex and outdated processes, which ultimately lead to inconsistent user experiences and high turnaround times. It is crucial to elevate credit card onboarding procedures using the AI-powered ACP Credit Cards to improve operational efficiency and deliver a superior customer experience.
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Axe Credit Portal covers all types of Credit Card Loans

Purchase Loans
Cash Advances
Installment Plans
Personal Loans
Emergency Loans
Balance Transfers

Increased credit card loans process efficiency in an end-to-end digital lending platform

End-to-end automated credit card process
AI-powered credit card lending
Omnichannel onboarding
One single system entry point for all credit stakeholders
Comprehensive set of credit card features
Digital credit card capabilities
Real-time internal & external communication
Granular & limitless customization options
Zero-code digital lending
On premises or cloud-based
Integration capabilities
Rules and decisions based on bank policies

Transforming credit card lending performance through AI

  • AI-powered borrower onboarding and credit card application
  • Automated capture of customer information
  • Instant credit card application approval
  • Omnichannel credit card application through multiple channels
  • Robust offerings of different types of credit cards
  • Digital signature capabilities
  • Granular customization options in accordance with the bank’s credit card policies
  • Automatic decisioning based on predefined business rules & scoring.
  • Build rulesets with multiple parameters, with multiple actions and outputs.
  • Complex rule & query development using arithmetic operators and predefined functions.
  • Controls when building/publishing/deploying/managing each credit card product through workflows.
  • Comprehensive logs allowing rigorous rules versioning and tracking.
  • “Build Your Own Expression” tool for lenders to develop their own simple or complex expressions.
  • An automated delegation of authority driven by a combination of business requirements and user authorities.

ACP Credit Cards is trusted by

Top-tier bank in Vietnam
“Overall, we are very happy with ACP, it allows crystal clear efficiency and credit risk mitigation gains. The most appreciated component of this solution is for me the Business Rule Engine, a real game-changer in terms of configuration UX and flexibility.
Thanks to fully digitalized credit card loans processing through ACP, the bank maintained its growth even during the lockdown period, and the turnover of the credit cards business segment has been significantly increased.”
Explore this retail bank in Vietnam’s customer story
Credit Cards


A credit card loan provides cardholders with access to a line of credit, allowing them to borrow money up to a predetermined credit limit.
This borrowed money can be used for day-to-day purchases, and the cardholder is required to repay the borrowed amount, along with any applicable fees and interest charges, according to the terms of the credit card agreement.
Opting for a credit card loan over a personal loan offers advantages such as immediate access to funds for emergencies, the revolving nature of the credit line, flexible repayment options, and avoidance of lengthy application processes.
Personal loans often offer lower interest rates and fixed repayment terms, making them suitable for large expenses or debt consolidation where predictable monthly payments and potentially lower overall interest costs are desired.
Implementing credit card loan automation allows financial institutions to enhance customer satisfaction by providing loans on-the-go with flexible repayment terms and a revolving system, mitigate risks through automated compliance checks, and improve decision-making with data-driven insights.

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Axe Credit Portal

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