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ACP Loan Origination

Unlocking the potential of smart loan origination

For banks, reliance on traditional and manual origination processes can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. Manual data entry and document processing, along with poor data quality and integration, pose the risk of inconsistencies and make the process prone to errors. ACP Loan Origination solutions allows lenders to prioritize customer-centric approaches to origination through a single-entry comprehensive platform that streamlines the origination process, standardizes workflows, and enhances operational efficiency.
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The power of streamlined automated Loan Origination Process

1/ Credit application (CA)
Prompt loan inquiry collected across channels and devices
2/ Document collection
AI-powered credit documents collection and extraction (OCR)
3/ Document verificaton
AI-powered analysis of the documents against extracted data and existing records
4/ Identity verification
Verification of the credit documents matched against existing KYC records
5/ Credit assesment
AI-based analysis of the customer's risk profile based on various factors
6/ Automatic credit decisioning
Automated systems decide on whether to approve, reject, or escalate the application

Smart and flexible loan origination solution tailored to every lender's needs

Automated CA and AI-powered data extraction
Combined traditional & AI-based scoring systems for fast-track origination
Multi-segment credit origination
Zero-code configuration tools for streamlined origination processes
Flexible deployment options, on-premises or cloud-based
Open lending architecture for seamless integration with existing systems and data sources

Satisfying customers at the first touchpoints with a seamless origination process

  • Streamlined customer application initiation and document collection across multiple channels using automated processes.
  • Enhanced document verification with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for accuracy and efficiency.
  • Implementation of specialized automated verification protocols enables bankers to efficiently collect and authenticate required identification documents and applicant information
  • Increased focus on credit applications needing further risk analysis and human assessment.
  • Continuous refinement of risk policies and model parameters.
  • Seamless integration with external data sources, such as credit bureaus, enhances decision-making accuracy.
  • Automatic approval and rejections with ACP Scoring reduce workload.

ACP Loan origination solution is trusted by

OTP Bank, Moldova
Axe Credit Portal (ACP) has been productively running since 2017 and we are satisfied with the software performance as well as the service and support quality. In 2021, a successful version upgrade took place to move from ACP V.6 to V.7 along with the implementation of a new Point of Sales module (POS) to give access to the different types of partners at OTP Bank of Moldova. Thanks to ACP, we have been able to reduce drastically the turnaround time to maintain a high degree of customer satisfaction, as well as enhance our overall credit processes.
Explore OTP Bank Customer Story
Loan Origination


Loan origination softwares, such as Axe Credit Portal (ACP), is a digital platform designed to automate and streamline the lending process for banks and financial institutions. ACP facilitates end-to-end loan origination, from KYC, approval, scoring and decisioning and up to servicing, enhancing operational efficiency and improving borrower satisfaction.
An AI-powered digital lending solution, such as ACP, offers numerous benefits to banks and financial institutions, including accelerated loan processing, reduced operational costs, enhanced risk management, improved compliance, and increased customer satisfaction. By leveraging the latest AI innovations to automate manual tasks and integrating with existing systems, ACP empowers lenders to make faster, more informed lending decisions while minimizing risk.
From adjusting workflow processes to modifying decision-making criteria, the configuration tools provide granular control over every aspect of the lending lifecycle. With intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and configurable parameters, you can easily configure rules, templates, and workflows to align with the bank’s specific changing needs. Additionally, the tool supports dynamic adaptation, allowing you to evolve and refine your lending practices over time without extensive redevelopment

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